At six years of age, Connor Flanagan, of Tyngsboro High School in Tyngsboro, MA, was diagnosed with a rare type of leukemia. As a last resort, he underwent a bone marrow transplant that ultimately saved his life.. While Connor continues to battle health issues and the long-term side effects of cancer treatment, he has learned to monitor his expectations and remains strong when faced with adversity.
Meet the Finalist: Gabriella Blatt
Meet the Finalist: Clayce Reid
The Final Round: Richie's Spirit Foundation Announces Scholarship Finalists
Richie's Spirit Foundation's volunteer Scholarship Review Committee has selected the top 10 finalists from a pool of more than 2,600 applicants for the 2017 Significant Challenge College Scholarship. Judges will review the final candidates to award $3,500 in scholarships to three recipients. An announcement of the winners is expected in May.
Over the next few weeks, the Foundation will feature student profiles of the final candidates giving donors, supporters and volunteers an in depth look at these worthy individuals.
The purpose of the Richie's Spirit Foundation Scholarship Program is to honor Richie's memory by supporting the pursuit of higher education by candidates with a similar zest for life. Each applicant is asked to share a significant life challenge and how they have been able to overcome the major obstacle. While each individual story is different, many of these students share similar qualities to Richie - to live life with a positive spirit regardless of the adversities life may bring.
The Richie's Spirit Foundation Board of Directors would like to congratulate the top 10 finalists for their accomplishments and would also like to acknowledge all applicants for sharing their stories. Stay tuned for our finalist profiles!
2017 Significant Challenge Scholarship Program Reaches Record Heights
2017 Significant Challenge College Scholarship Application Now Open
Starting Tuesday, November 15, 2016, Richie's Spirit Foundation will begin to accept applications for its 2017 Significant Challenge College Scholarship Program. The Foundation will award $3,500 to the top three applicants who demonstrate leadership, character, and initiative in school and community affairs and merits academic achievement. Winners will be announced in the Spring of 2017.
The 2016 application cycle welcomed a record 2,500 applicants with winners receiving $3,500 in scholarships for their college education. Please click here to learn more about our past recipients.
The 2017 application is open to all graduating seniors who plan to attend vocational school, community college or a four-year university during the 2017-2018 school year. For more information, please visit our College Scholarship Program page.